So here we go…
POLAND: Back in the day we used to get a lot of photographers wanting to come to MPDA. This one guy called me from Poland and asked if I could come over and have a chat about it. I was like:
“I’m in Australia not Austria”
“yes, that’s fine we’ll fly you over”
“you guys don’t have skype?”
“yes but he wants to meet you personally”
… WHAT? So I got tickets in my email and off to Poland I went, took me like 28 hours each way and spent 30 hours in Warsaw.
He did ask if we could stop the show, Miss Pole, a few times for him to take photos “ah, no!” but he came out with an entourage and did 3 “sets” of photos.
Diesel was his driver and they were working 20 hours a day
“can we get Carlie Hunter here tonight?”… “ah, it’s 3pm and she’s in South Australia” “yes, so, I want her here tonight” etc etc… He paid, she came, there was LOTS of scenarios like that:
“I want a house that looks haunted for tomorrow”
“I need an old fashioned laundromat that we can shoot in at 2am” etc etc…
great photos though (the black and white ones in the photo gallery above).
He even flew a receptionist, Aspen, to Japan to take a simple photo on a train. https://www.gudzowaty.com/ (check out his photos on Urban Golf in India)
GLAM ROCK BURLESQUE: We decided to do a cabaret show, it was pretty cool..
Roxy sung in German, my husband played guitar, Sparx (the one that came for a few months and stayed for years) performed on a bike, it was kinda awesome!
THE OLD AND THE FLEXIBLE: I think we just had more time in those days cause we decided to make a TV show hahaha… link below, was pretty funny. It was just on youtube although we did pitch the idea to some TV stations haha
INNER SHOWGIRL: Loose idea “why don’t we get some girls off the street and 4 teachers have to show them how to be showgirls in 8 weeks then they compete and we film it all”.
So much work! I understand now why you need a script and a storyboard and an actual director etc etc…still pretty funny, link below.
In around 2016, Bobbi decided she wanted to downsize, she was doing too much business running and just wanted to dance more so she opened Bobbi’s Gold and I bought her half of Elizabeth Street and Miranda.
In 2020 she passed away unexpectedly (after a short illness) and there was a hole left in the pole world, really really sad days!
The Aussie style is famous worldwide. I think overseas they are more conservative, and this is largely due to Bobbi and her style!
See, it’s hard to write anything after that….but I’m going to finish on a high note,….
Then we closed for COVID (ok, I’m GETTING to the high note soon)… went to online classes, it wasn’t the same, it was a difficult time for everyone! Then opened, then closed again. So many people lost all strength so we rejigged the syllabus and worked everyone up again.
AND NOW… we have SUCH a great staff, the teachers and receptionists are super awesome! The students are LOVELY, the vibe is good!
And that my friends, concludes my story!
With more adventures to come I’m sure!
So thank you to ALL OUR STAFF AND STUDENTS (past and present) for being super lovely and making this the very best place on earth to work!!!
Love Love
Ness xxxx
THE OLD AND THE FLEXIBLE (no quick edits here folks!)
INNER SHOWGIRL (just wow!)